
The wife's new puppy, Rufus, certainly fits in this area. He is in everything. This time, he went too far.
That was my picture of the day yesterday. I took two pictures, of course, one of Rufus and the other of my laptop.
Then I put the two together. Cool? If you want to take a look at my Photo Project where I am taking a posting a picture every day, click here.
I have taken and posted a picture every day so far in 2006.
Personally, I think a lot of people are making too big of a deal about this cloning deal.
No, I don’t think it is ethical or something I would like to take part in. We are at our quota of me.
Sometimes I do think it would be handy to have another me although he would probably be just as lazy as the real me.
As far as I am concerned, there are already a bunch of clones walking around. Don’t believe me?
You obviously haven’t been to Wal-Mart lately. Our trip to Wal-Mart on Monday was pretty much the highlight of my Presidents’ Day, which should give you a clue that it was not the most exciting holiday I have ever experienced.
Pardon me, I got off the subject. A digress if you will. Ever time I go to Wally’s, I see a bunch of people who look very similar.
Typically, they are the kind of people who haven’t been following the old Atkins Diet.
They also apparently didn’t pay attention in school when the health teacher taught the importance on bathing regularly. Shaving is typically another area that doesn’t seem all that important.
Even for the guys. I don’t want to make it sound like I am putting these people down because nobody is better than anybody else.
But they seem to be the type of people that reality television was invented to entertain. You’re about guaranteed to see at least one person showing off more of his (or her) rear than should be socially acceptable.
I don’t really think there is any time that is better than others to shop at Wal-Mart, but after extensive study thanks to way too many trips, I have determined that the first of the month, along with the day before a projected snow storm are the best days to experience the total shopping experience.
For many of these people, a meal can’t be considered food unless at least one portion is fried.
Most of these people typically sport silly little sayings on their tee-shirt, have at least one vehicle that has been broken down and parked in the yard for at least half a year and are in more need of an Extreme Makeover than any of the people you see on television.
These people have also taken over the convenience stores thanks to the stupid lottery. Almost every time I go to the store, I have to wait several minutes for people to buy those silly tickets and then scratch them, even though people are waiting behind them.
I have also decided there are many things I don’t like about getting older. One thing that really chaps me is that Wal-Mart is already the best place to socialize. Haven’t seen an old buddy or classmate in a while? Hey, head to Wal-Mart on Saturday evening, right after getting bloated courtesy of the food bar at the Western Sizzlin.
In addition to all the mongoloids walking around whistling the tune to Deliverance, you can see your friends and talk about boring things that you have done lately that are slightly dressed up so others won’t realize what a boring existence we actually live.
I look forward to the upcoming years when I will get the senior citizen’s discount at McDonald’s and can discuss medical problems with the other old goats while the little lady shops for bargains on denture cleaners.
I have determined that if it ever gets to the point where I can’t get around Wal-Mart on my own two feet, that's it for me. No, you will never see the Craigman motoring around the store in one of those scooters, unless I can get somebody to race me around the store.
Well, this old blog has certainly turned out to be a little different. I blame it because I wrote at night instead of in the morning, as usual.
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