Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I have nothing against egg-headed bull terriers, but was disappointed with the end of the Westminster Dog Show.In my humble opinion, the Pug should have taken it all home. At least none of the fluffy dogs won.

There were a couple of dogs that did nothing for me. I was offended that Rufus, the winner, is called a (colored) bull terrier.

I found this racist. Couldn’t we do better?


Remember the song Jamie’s Got a Gun? Somebody came up with a little knock off of that song called Chaney’s Got a Gun.

This was recorded in like a day. The singer sounds about as talented as me, but it is fairly amusing. I received it in an email. If somebody wants to hear it, send me a message and I’ll forward it.


Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. I was fortunate in that the wife was sick and we didn’t have to fight the mad hassle that mars the day and…

Okay, that didn’t sound very good. Fortunate that the wife was sick? Better backtrack on that. How about I was fortunate in that we didn’t have to go out and fight the traffic. Sadly, the wife was not feeling up to par.

Better? I thought my performance on Valentine’s Day was a good one. In addition to Rufus the nipple-biting Boxer puppy, I got her a couple of DVD’s and even some roses!

Also, a card!

I scored a Seinfield dvd (cool!), a gas leaf blower (I think she’s trying to tell me something!) along with a book from the kids and cards. The book was one of those Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff kind. I think they were also trying to tell me something.


I am now officially a coffee drinker. When I started a couple of weeks ago, I didn’t much care for coffee. Now I drink four or five cups a day.

I have always been able to get up (in the morning! Not the other kind!) without any problem. A cup of coffee does seem to help.

Since I try to avoid sugar for the most part, I haven’t gotten into the fancy coffee kind. Just a plain cup of regular coffee with some sugar substitute and I’m good to go.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.


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