
I spent yesterday evening watching the Super Bowl, along with most of the civilized world, I guess.Usually, I enjoy the ads but considered this a down year. The ads from ABC about Dancing With The Stars just about put me in the grave.
They flash through exciting dancing routines and then ask the question about who is watching and follow up with the answer: who wouldn’t.
Pardon me while I raise my hand and make “ooh, ooh” sounds like Horshak used to do on Welcome Back Kotter. Yes, I realize that I spelled Horshak wrong but since it’s early on a Monday morning, that’s the best I can do
The only time I have watched this was to make fun of it. The goobers at ABC make this show out to be the best thing since color television. Then they want to make it sound like everybody just loves it.
Along with all those silly designing shows on HGTV (sorry Glenda), that is what kills television for me.
My favorite ad was the Fed Ex one where the guy’s package doesn’t get delivered and he grunts out that Fed Ex has not been invented yet. Then he walks outside the cave and gets stepped on by a giant dinosaur.
The picture in the upper right hand side was my photo of the day for yesterday in my ongoing photo project. So far I have made it through one month and five days.
Not bad, eh?
Here's the link for the gallery, if you are interested. This was a picture of the sky behind my house early on Sunday morning.
In my perpetual quest to figure out some way to get filthy rich and also solve problems that all people go through, I present my latest idea.
It’s a divider for beds and backseats in a car!. It would be a light that goes right down the middle, kind of like the first-down line can be seen on television football games. That way, if somebody gets over on the other person’s side of the bed, it will be obvious.
That would settle so many arguments between couples and kids. Personally, I think there should be some penalty for anybody sneaking over on the other side, like sharp tacks going into the skin until they retreat back over to their side of the bed or couch.
I feel like my side of the bed should be protected territories, kind of like waters outside of a country’s borders. There are the territorial waters and then the international waters. As long as you stay in international waters, there’s not a problem.
But if you cross over into territorial waters, break out the PT boats! I think that should be established in my bed. Stay out of my territorial waters. I have been known to fire a few warning salvoes to warn away all trespassers, but that only seems to get me in trouble.
I would also like to have a mute button. If somebody is talking too much (especially during football games), all you would have to do is hit the mute button. Their mouth would still be flapping, but nothing would come out of it.
Cool, eh?
After thinking about the blog I wrote yesterday about the spelling bee, I realized that might offend some people.
But I also came up with a couple of more ideas to make them more interesting. After somebody spells out the word, let there be like a five-second pause before telling them if they are right or wrong.
If they are wrong, go with the boing like I suggested yesterday or have somebody get into the microphone and say “you’re wwwwrrrrrrooooonnnngggg!”
Oh, what fun!
Also, during the breaks, you could pick out two of the dumbest looking people in the stands and have a spelling bee between them.
Enough for today!
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