Friday, February 03, 2006


The new dog is quite the pain in the posterior.

Gone are our two little puppies who never caused any problems (aside from each other) and would either sleep outside or all night when they were inside.

Instead, Rufus sleeps maybe an hour at a time, if we’re lucky.He’s slept with us his first two nights.

After his required one hour of sleep, Rufus wants to get out of bed to use the bathroom, eat, drink or whatever.

He woke me up once this morning by using those sharp puppy teeth to attack my undefended left nipple. I know, nipples on a guy don’t serve any purpose other than to let everybody know how cold it is, but since I already have them, it would be better to keep them.

I was tired last night and did a little reading on the bed before calling it a day. Somehow Rufus made his way into the bed. The little fellow nestled in right next to me and fell asleep.

He doesn’t seem to have any problem sleeping, except at times when we are also trying to sleep.

Just so you know, the wait is over. I, the Craigman, was officially asked to take Rufus outside this morning at approximately 6:20. I thought that would wait until tomorrow, but no such luck.

The wife wanted to try and get some sleep without Rufus bothering her. She keeps lugging the little fellow everywhere and always putting him in her lap to sleep.

I told her she is going to regret that once Rufus gets up around 60 or 70 pounds, but like most things, I don’t have a clue what I am doing.


The local chamber manager is trying to get me to serve on the chamber board. I have served two terms before and did not like them as the meetings tend to drag on forever. I am not a dragging meeting kind of person.

I have a limited attention span and not just when my wife is trying to talk to me. Here I am, just getting off the school board (last meeting a week from Monday!) and already, I am getting hit up to do something else.

There must be some kind of requirement that if a person isn’t serving on something, everybody hits him up.


Thankfully, this is Friday. Even though I have to sit through a bunch of pimple-faced kids trying to spell words that I cannot pronounce tomorrow, I am still looking forward to this day getting over.

I wonder what the proper etiquette is for a spelling bee. Would it somehow be wrong to boo the kids if they spell a word right and then act like a behind? Or what if one of the really dorky kids mangles a word? Is it okay to laugh loud enough to be heard throughout the auditorium?

If my daughter overcomes the setback of having me as a father and spells some words right, can I stand up and whoop and holler and taunt the other parents? “Getcha some!” I will say and maybe add a little prance with it (including the highly-irregular “buttshake” that was once banned in the greater northern Texas area).


I have done enough damage for today. Have a good day and weekend.


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