I'm half right!

I've decided to become an optimist from this day forward.
I'll be a half full kind of guy instead of half empty.
Part of this is brought on from my love of living and...uh, there has to be another reason. Oh yeah, I correctly predicted that the Steelers would beat the Broncos yesterday and by gosh, I nailed that one on the head.
If I believed in gambling and the lottery and other things like that, I would soon be offering "Slick Craig's" Guaranteed Pay Off betting service with the "Surefire Winner" this week and deluge your email inbox with offers to share my knowledge of gambling with you for only a small fee, payable whether your bet paid off or lost.
Yes, I am the man when it comes to picking football games! Aside from our online college football poll that I was embarrassed in and the NFC championship game. Yep, just missed that one yesterday by what, 20 points?
Hey, those things happen. A fluke. As I mentioned earlier, I prefer to focus on my success and I would like you to follow suit. Cool?
I saw where Kobe scored 81 points in a game last night. Crap, that's more points than most NBA teams score in a game. Can you say ball hog? No? I can, but won't as that won't go along with my positive, half-full new attitude.
The rest of his team scored 41 points. The Lakers were playing Toronto. I guess that is enough of that.
It rained all day yesterday. So my photographic talents were tested in my photo project. I didn't really want to take a picture of the kids sitting around playing video games or taking a nap (although that might be worth a blackmail if I was so inclined) so I ventured outside and took a picture of water droplets on patio furniture.
If I had a negative attitude, I would say something along the lines of "cruddy picture", but with my new thoughts, I prefer to say I made the best of a difficult situation.
In my continuing quest to get filthy rich, I came up with an idea that would make me both rich and the envy of all people, from great to small. I am going to invent some way to make the weekends longer!
The best way to do that would be to quit my job but my family likes to have a roof over their heads and food in the belly to do that. I am going to challenge my brain cells (even those that have been damaged by the beer usage that I used to indulge in) to come up with something. I have a deadline of 5 p.m. today so they better get busy.
Also, since I am going on with this upbeat attitude. I shall not whine and moan about my diet. I'll go with the old "I only gained one pound yesterday despite eating like a pig!" That is much better than complaining about it. I did gain a pound back, the old two steps forward and one back plan!
Back up to 215.5 pounds. That means 35.5 pounds to go for a slim and trim (but still very much bald) Craigman. Last time after I lost a lot of weight, everybody thought I was sick and on my deathbed.
So I would appreciate it if you would keep those comments to yourself. My name does not need to be on any prayer lists, at least for possible weight loss.
Enough for now! An early blog so my dedicated readers will not be disappointed and worry if one is coming today.
I truly hope you have a great day. No, really.
That's definitely the ticket, "life is half full not half empty" and the loyal readers appreciate your diligence and exertion to provide them with an early AM blog, oh thoughtful one. Also appreciate your expounding on other topics. Sorry about the 2 steps forward, 1 back, but, hey, that's life. You did well for being photo-opportunity challenged. My condolences on your 1 out of 2 football picks. You were half right and half full, oh wise one.
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