I must apologize

Yesterday, I implied that it was my belief that Kobe Bryant was a ball hog for scoring 81 points in a game Sunday night against Toronto.
As you know, in my new half-full optimistic attitude, I should not allow such negative thoughts to surface. So I will not say he is a ball hog anymore, even though he did shoot 46 times.
Enough about the NBA, I say! Let's move on to the top stories, shall we?
Good. This was my picture from my photo project yesterday. Not one I will want to enter a contest, but I found it mildly amusing. I teased the viewers on my Smugsite as to the actual location of this picture but to thank you, my courageous readers of this blog, I will reveal the location of the sign. It was in Bokoshe, next to my mother-in-law's house.
Lost half a pound yesterday. Down to 215. That makes 35 pounds to go and I'm still accepting pledges for however much money you want to pay me per pound lost. Remember, it is going to a good cause: The Craig Fund!
I've been listening to sport's radio over the last few days and believe I've missed my calling. I, personally, believe I could have been a good call-in host. It's probably too late to change careers at my age, but I've been practicing my responses to the callers.
"What? You're an idiot!"
"Are you naturally that stupid or do you have to practice?"
"He (or she) sucks!"
(Excuse me for a second. Wham just came on the Sirius and I'll have to change before I start wanting to wear tights and prance).
Here's some more!
"I couldn't believe that call! The coach is brain dead!"
"You bore me! I'm hanging up now."
Man, that would be fun. I think I'll practice on customers today. If somebody calls requesting a loan, I can tell them: "Do you think I'm that crazy, you idiot! Get off my line. You're tying up traffic!"
How do you think that would go over? Not well, eh? I must admit that I'm not mean enough to actually say those words to any other person, but we are talking about sports.
Sirius is really stinking in their music choices this morning. I just switched over to the 70s station since the 80s station has some strange fixation with Wham and George Michael. It must be the law that they play a Wham song every time I turn the radio on.
They should let me do some programming. No Wham, Beastie Boys or Boy George, just cool stuff.
I wish life was more like pro sports. If you weren't being paid what you were worth, you could hold out for more money without worrying about getting canned. In the real world, try hiring an agent, holding a press conference calling your boss a cheap _ _ _ _ (you can fill in your own word here!) and see what would happen.
The Craigman seldom watches anything on television other than sports, history channel and HGTV when they actually air something other than the designing crap. I don't do regular television for the most part and haven't since Seinfield went off the air.
Most of that junk is an insult to what intelligence I have. I don't like the realty crap and find most of the "comedy" doesn't register on my laugh meter. However, I have been watching CSI lately, way too much. On Friday night, I sat on my rear watching three shows back-to-back and did the same thing again last night.
This show is actually interesting. I haven't caught the spinoffs because I don't think there needs to be a CSI every night of the week to boost ratings. After they come up with a CSI-Heavener, I might catch it.
Last night Gus had to go to some Deliverance type backwoods town because somebody sent a severed head to the medical examiner. I never really figured out why he wanted to go, other than that was how it was written in the script. Still some good stuff.
Enough for now. Have a decent Tuesday, please.
A superb blog from the Craigman, who is definitely starting the day with the theory established yesterday, it's a half-full glass, not half-empty. Go get 'em tiger.
Thank you very much. I am going as fast as possible.
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