The big hundred

Hello and welcome to my 100th blog.
I have spent a lot of time writing on this thing and discussed things that were interesting and some that you probably could have lived without.
I tried to think of some way to make this special but my creativity is not awake this morning at 5:26 a.m.
Currently, this morning is testing my new half-full, positive attitude. I could very easily be in a bad mood today, although nobody usually pays for my mood swings.
Must be a guy time of the week deal or something. I'm sure I will perk up eventually and be the uplifting guy that brightens everybody's life around me and...okay, that was a reach.
First off, I wake up this morning and I was still tired. That is partly because of my sleep habits and also getting up at 5 in the morn to get stuff done. I've been doing this for months and my body is used to it for the most part, but I tend to wear down in the middle of the week and go downhill from there.
I moved the picture over to the left side this morning to keep you on your toes. That's a macro picture of an Amaryllis we have growing in our house. It was a Christmas present from my grandmother, Rena.
It was a picture that I thought was kind of cool. You can, of course, decide this more on your own. If you would like to see a larger image, click here.
The wife changed the color of her hair yesterday. She went from a semi-sorta blonde to dark hair. She had hinted that I had a surprise waiting for me when I got home from work and that it had something to do with her hair.
I was a good trooper and didn't say anything like "what the crap did you do to your hair?" or anything like that. It actually looks okay, just different. It beats me why chicks can't just accept the color of their hair and let it go, like most guys do.
There are many guys out there who also color their hair or do whatever they have to do to get rid of the gray. Like that will keep them young looking. For those of you who know me, hair is obviously not a big concern of mine. I have a shiny noggin and accepted it.
I figure if the Big Guy wanted me to still have hair, I would have a mane like that model dude who is on all the romance books.
Well, the weight issue went south on me again this morning. Added back my half pound that I had dropped yesterday. I tried a new "Hamburger" diet that apparently didn't do all that good as far as weight loss goes. Yesterday for lunch, went out to eat with my dad at the Southern Belle.
Most excellent burger. Then last night, the wife hit up Sonic for their half price burgers on Tuesday evenings. So aside from the lumpy oatmeal I had for breakfast, it was pretty much a hamburger diet.
I know, some people would belch over the ideas of eating hamburgers for lunch and dinner. I only belched after eating hamburgers for lunch and dinner. Since I have a fondness for the burgs, I was fine with it.
We watched The Fog last night. I would have to say the movie is named correctly. At first, I thought it was about the state of my mind most of the time, but instead it was about this fog that keeps moving into this island and with it comes these bad dudes who want to kill and maim.
It was supposed to be scary. Negative on that. Movies can usually get one good jerk out of me, but not The Fog. I had seen the original one a long time ago, but have killed too many brain cells to remember it.
At least eight people croaked in the movie, some in a particularly gruesome way. Not one of the better flicks I have watched this year but since we rented it on Dollar Night at the old Southside Video, I shall not complain.
No CSI last night for the Craigman. I do think if we ever have a CSI-Heavener, CBS should look at hiring me in the Gus Grissom role. I don't have any actual training as a thespian, but can make several facial gestures at the drop of a hat and change the tone of my voice.
Just ask the kids. I would follow in the footsteps of that fine actor William Shatner. "A dead body! We must investigate! Where is the stiff!"
I'm sure the show would be an immediate hit. They would have to actually film it here in Heavener, not some small Canadian town that is cheaper. Nope, not gonna happen.
I have not decided yet who would be my co-star. I did rule out Roseanne, who should fit in well with the locals. To act like I would in some way be interested in her would be a serious test to my limited acting abilities.
Enough for now. Hope you enjoyed the 100th blog.
Acting skills - now that's a stretch to the credulity factor. The film could easily be shot in Heavener, but you "can change facial expressions and modulate your voice at the drop of a hat"??? No way. That was a sentimental picture this AM - glad you explained the context otherwise worms came to mind first. Glad you're still gutting it out through hump day, since we the few, the loyal do pay for your mood swings.
I'm sure I would be an excellent actor but would probably have to be the supporting actor because of the absence of stunning looks and a full flock of hair. I can do a mean Captain Kirk though.
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