The day after Monday blog

As a former journalist, I like to look for mistakes in newspapers.
Back during my journalist days, if we made a mistake or wrote a silly headline, the red pen would come out and the editor would make big scribbles and comments.
Nobody liked getting “red inked”, although we did find it amusing when it happened to our co-workers, especially the ones we didn’t like.
So the former journalist in me likes to peruse the newspapers I read and while doing so, I look for mistakes. (NOTE: you will sometimes find typos and grammar mistakes in this fine blog, but that’s mainly because of my laziness and lack of time to rewrite and edit)
This morning as I got the paper, in a big headline on the front page it says “Residents Won’t Be Homeless”. That makes sense to me.
If you are a resident, you aren’t homeless. Right? I hope my buddy F.J. didn’t write this and if you did, I’m sorry for pointing this out.
The city of Fort Smith is tearing down an apartment to build some new ones. Check out this thoughtful quote by an administrator:
“No one will be homeless unless they choose to be.” Do that many people actually want to sleep on cardboard and eat stuff out of the trash?
The picture you see above is my photo for the day. It is of a mosquito I found out in the yard yesterday. Yes, it is a macro. I had to chase the little sucker for several minutes before I got close enough to take this.
Saw an interesting article this morning by Suze “Hey babe!” Orman. Here’s the link if you want to take a look.
It’s Five Signs That It’s Time for a New Job. Here they are!
1. Friday is your favorite day (uh oh. That means 90 percent of the world need a new job).
2. You’re bored. (Make that 95 percent of the world need a new job).
3. Stress is your middle name. (Gee, I must be missing out but I’ve never met anybody with that middle name. Know a lot of people living with stress, but they are missing out on the middle name).
4. You’re underappreciated and overworked. (Sorry, I don’t have the stats on this but I would have to say that includes the majority of workers).
5. You keep saying, “If only I could do it all over, I would be a…” (hmm, better leave that one alone).
Okay, I’m back! Did you miss me? Uh, that was really silly, eh? I went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
This weekend, I decided that I was going to start drinking coffee. I have survived without it for almost 43 years but decided it was time to start and I am forcing myself to like it.
At first, it would make me want to yack, but I am slowly starting to like it. I want to be able to stand around the coffee pot and sport a Styrofoam cup of joe and be one of the dudes.
Plus, I want to wean myself off of pop. I do like the caffeine, too! Last night, I was feeling a little droopy so I had a cup around 7 or so and perked right up.
Now I’ll be able to spend $4 on a triple latte! I have to add a little sugar substitute for flavoring. I’ll have to get an official Craigman mug to drink coffee out of at work
My weight is still hanging around the 216 mark, dang the luck! Nothing seems to work. Boo hoo. Guess I’ll have to actually need to watch what I am eating and exercise.
That seems to help.
While I was in the kitchen getting my first cup of coffee for the day, I took my blood sugar. It was 119! Yeah! It needs to be under 120 so I made the cut. Cool.
Enough for now. Please have a good day and ask not what the Craigman can do for you, but what you can do for the Craigman.
Being psychic, I somehow sensed that it was not what the Craigman can do for us, but what we the loyal readers can do for the Craigster. Unusual pic this morning and you're right - that is a mosquito. A reward for lots of scrambling around for the editor and sorry it didn't burn up more calories. Well, if coffee works and you're weaning yourself off pop, so be it. There are worse things to drink and it is zestful. Hopefully you didn't toss and turn last night. At least you made the cut on the blood sugar level - much more important than the trim, slim killing machine model look. Sun is shining and all is good.
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