Thursday, March 02, 2006

heat stroking

Okay, this just isn’t right.We had to turn the air conditioner on last night. On March 1, 2006. Thanks a lot, global warming.

All I want to know is what happened to the 70s! Huh? I’m sure there are a lot of other people still trying to figure out what happened to the 70s, but I’m talking about the weather, not the decade.

Actually the 1970s were one of my favorite decades. Unlike many people, I did not have a drinking or drug problem and I was still in school, so times were good.

No, what I am talking about is the temperature. I have always believed temperatures should slowly go up a few degrees per week so we can get adjusted.

But no! That’s not going to happen. We went from the 60s to the 80s for the high. Sure, the temperature did pass through the 70s, but they shouldn’t be climbing out until later in the year.

We had it better than some places. The high yesterday in Okmulgee was 97. Foot! (that’s a word many people use as a replacement for such fine words as dang, crap, not for the appendage that has toes attached to it).

That’s dadgum heat stroke dangerous. Stupid global warming. Let’s blame somebody, shall we?

Who should it be? Drivers of SUV’s? Naw, I once had one so better pass on that.

Caddy drivers? Hmm, better not. I know, let’s blame the Arabs. Yeah, that’ll work. Especially the Arab terrorist lovers who like to kill white people. They are destroying our Ozones, not the people using spray on deodorant, by gosh.


Here’s some useless information that I found interesting enough to share.

The movie Crash is nominated for an Oscar at the Academy Awards this weekend. Now I must admit, I’ve not watched the movie. I saw a blurb (that’s a short story kind of like the USA TODAY ones that get you interested and then quit before you’re ready) this morning concerning the movie.

Would you believe the writers of this supposedly fine movie could not find a better word to use than the 182 expletives that are used in the movie. I can just hear the writers talking when they were writing the screenplay.

“Gosh, I don’t know what word to use in this dialogue,” said one writer to the other.

The other writer gives it some serious thought. “Hmm, let’s see…I know! Put another $%#@ in there!”

“Wow, what a suggestion!” the other writer says. “I’ll use %@#* again!”

“That really flows well.”

Please, people. They used the F-bomb 99 times in one movie. Yep, 99 times. I actually tried to find out how long the movie ran to figure out how many times per minute they said that word, but couldn’t find it.

You know, I have written three books and at least one blog every morning. I have never dropped an F-bomb or another expletive in any of them.

Yeah, I also know that none of my books have been published. Maybe that’s why? If it takes a few dirty words to get published, I would rather pass.

Some people do talk that way. Others don’t and won’t go see movies like this because they don’t like hearing people talk in ways that used to get kids in trouble for saying and wind up with a bar of soap in the mouth.

I used to actually let out a few good nasty words, but over time realized that was not appropriate and I could express myself in ways that were not offensive to others.

Well #@$% (I’m already saying it myself, argh!), I almost forgot to pass on this interesting tidbit. Which movie is the all time champ for vulgar?

I’ll make this interesting and answer this tomorrow. Let’s make this a contest. Send me an email me with your guess and I will post the name of the first person to answer correctly in tomorrow’s blog. How much fun, huh?

Give me a movie where people say “Foot!” instead of “#$@%!”


Blogger Unknown said...

At our house, we recently watched The Man with Samuel L. Jackson and Eugene Levy. Overall, not one of my favorite films, but Eugene's character gives Samuel's character some advice on cleaning up his language to be a better father.

Anytime you let the F-word slip out just add 'crying out loud'. Pretty soon your just saying 'For Crying Out Loud'.

Sorry you didn't enjoy Crash, it was one of the few movies I saw this year that really made me think.

9:03 PM  

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