Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Ah, spring is in the air!

Most people love spring. Actually, I am rather fond of the change from winter.

The weather is warming up (not that it really got all that cold this winter), the green weedy grass is growing, daffodils are blooming along with the dandelions.

My Bradford Pears are about to sprout out the pretty white petals and the flowers will be everywhere.

Just think, the grass will need to be mowed in the next few weeks! Can you feel my excitement?

You know what that means?

Allergies, baby!

My nose is already starting to drip a little. Pretty soon, it will be Kleenex time!

Yep, I'll be sprouting snot for the next six months, or so. That means for half a year, my nostrils will be draining mucus.

Sometimes, I wonder just how much snot I lose every year. Actually, I don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about this.

Let’s just say it’s a lot. For most of the next few months, I will have what feels like a cold. Kind of dazed and confused, constantly feeling sleepy, especially after I have to take medicine.

Wow! We mow like half of the east side of Heavener so at least once a week for the next few months, I will spend time mowing and weedeating my yard.

I used to like to mow and still feel that way, for the first time of the year. After that, I will earn a good farmer’s tan and sport a redneck that would make the cowboy fellers envious.

But hey, that’s not all. Ticks usually don’t make it out until the spring, but are already sucking blood quite well, never slowing down. And how about those chiggers?

Then we have snakes, scorpions, spiders and all kinds of little boogers.

Have I mentioned tornadoes yet? No? Yeah, there’s nothing like hearing the old storm siren go off at 2 in the morning and fearing an F-5 might mistakenly confuse your house for a mobile home park.

I’m sorry this has been so negative. I actually like a lot of things about spring. For instance: cookouts!

I am a big cookout kind of guy. You’ve never had a burg until you’ve experienced a Craig Burger, known far and wide as one of the top burgers in the state. We’re talking big, fat and juicy.

Baseball will be here, which is good. A lot of the little kiddy teams are already practicing, wanting to kick some serious tee-ball buttocks.

Darn, I just about forgot something else about spring: Sweat! Yep, we’ll be cleaning those pores out in no time! Having a sweaty posterior region is always a personal favorite of mine. And you?
It’s coming!

Yep, spring is about to be sprung. I’ll try to contain my glee.


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