Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Angry people and meddlers

I wonder who came up with the term “Another day…another dollar.”

That term really does not apply in these times. If we only made a dollar per day, we could barely afford good toilet paper.

Forget about eating, unless you had kindly friends or relatives.

I would be much happier if it was something like “Another day…another 500 dollars!”Now that would be cool.

There are always people nobody wants to be around. Let them come into a room, the people will scatter faster than people in a pool when there’s a Baby Ruth candy bar floating.

I have often wondered what makes some people difficult and other people kind. Is it something in their makeup? No, I’m not talking about foundations and crud like that.

Is it the way they were raised? Did they get this way because their parents acted like buttheads? Am I asking too many questions without supplying an answer?

Usually you can tell a difficult person by the way they look. They’ll be all snarly with their eyes burrowed. I think they look like they’re just wanting to fight with somebody.

I get to deal with angry people sometimes. It’s not exactly fun, but usually by listening, they will chill. I usually try not to do something silly, like make fun of them, unless I’m having a really bad day and know they aren’t packing heat.

Okay, I’m sorry. That was not true. I don’t make fun of people, especially angry people who aren’t packing heat. That would not be kind.

Overall, I am a fairly kind person. People who read this might think different, but you get a different layer of Craig than most people see.

In real life, I might think “My gosh that hairy wart on that woman’s big toe is larger than a Volkswagon!”

But I won’t say that. In addition to being angry, there are far too many people who are outspoken. They will voice their opinions on everything, without being asked. I guess that is why they are outspoken.

These people tend to get on my nerves, unless they can say something helpful that will avoid embarrassment later. Like, for instance, “Uh, you’re like dragging a roll of toilet paper from the back of your pants.”

That, I would appreciate. A lot of the others I can do without. These people aren’t all that fun to be around. I enjoy watching the outspoken person get together with an angry person.

The smoke soon flies, most of the time. The angry person quickly transforms into a Robert DeNiro look, only angrier. Generally, it is not a good idea to boss around an angry person, unless you have the ability to can their butt if they look at you angrily.

When it really gets bad is when you have an outspoken, angry woman. Whoo. Excuse me while I shudder. Now if a guy was angry and outspoken, there are always ways to get them to back down.

It isn’t like you can thunk a woman over the head with a metal driver, though. That probably would only make her worse. These types can often intimidate even the counterpart males.

They’re like an old rattler waiting to strike, all hormoned up, hissing away. All guys are scared of angry women, don't let them lie.

One other type of person that I would like to address is the meddler. This category of person is not naturally dangerous, just irritating as you know what.

They always want to stick their nose in other people’s business. Now if they actually had a handle on their business (which they seldom do) and would ask first, it wouldn’t be too bad.

A lot of the times the meddler has the dreaded “whine” tendencies. This is kind of like a natural mix. Meddle with a person for a while and then whine.

“That’s not the way you do that,” the meddler will say (this is just for an example), and continue with “I’m so bloated and haven’t had a B.M. in days!”



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