Friday, January 06, 2006

It's freaking Friday!

I can honestly say I'm glad it is Friday. Only a little while until I'm once again a free man. I'm kind of bummed out on the lack of a three-day weekend this week. After two in a row, I'm kind of used to the extra day and could use it.

I finished up the huge photo project yesterday. That was a relief. Still need to get one thing printed off, but that is easy. It will require another trip to Fort Smith, but I don't mind going there except during the Christmas rush.

I messed up the other day and said 'feast' instead of 'fast'. Yes, that makes a big difference between eating. Kind of like the proverbial night and day.

Just over 20 minutes until my freedom starts. This evening, we get my daughter in the every other weekend prisoner exchange. Even though she did tie my ACT score as a 12-year old, I consider her a pretty good child for the most part. She is getting close to being a teenager and will sometimes give me THE LOOK that all teenagers magically obtain at that age.

Some crazy dude dared to come into my office and disturb me but I quickly ran him off. My customer service skills late on Fridays aren't worth squat.

I like to take it easy the last hour or so on Fridays to properly gear up for the weekend. I'm still waiting for somebody to pass on information as to how I can get filthy rich without much trouble. One of my friends had a good idea but it is beyond my technical know how.

Then again, a lot of things are beyond my grasp of knowledge. The old wife got severly chapped at the Craigman the other day. She gave me an evelope to send the taxes off and I promptly sent it off.

Only problem was I forgot to put a stamp on the letter so it came back. Dadgum postal service! Made us a little late but the wife put on the charm and got everything in order. She didn't turn on the charm though when she informed me of my blunder.

She only told me to mail the letter, by gosh. Nothing about actually putting a stamp on the letter! That's my defense and I'm sticking with it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The defense sounds pretty pathetic but any defense is better than none. Get used to THE LOOK. It's only going to get worse. Also, THE LOOK is going to come into play when shopping for this bright, young little girl, woman to be. You're surrounded.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Craig Hall said...

Yes, but I do have backup! I thought my excuse was fairly reasonable and believable. I, for one, don't especially like THE LOOK. I believe it should be outlawed.

3:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

THE LOOK is evolutionary and genetic passed down through eons of formidable women. Nothing exists that can stop THE LOOK if THE LOOK is truly deserved. Sorta kinda like the Holy Grail - it's a stretch, but true. Sorry you can't outlaw Mother Nature. As for the other defense let's not let the situation deteriorate. I can see that you did as was asked. I concur heartily with your herculean efforts in this matter. However, next comes the printed list attached to the old cell phone holder or glasses cases which says 1) do this and then 2) this is how you do number 1. Here's lookin' at you kid.

7:31 PM  

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