Monday, January 09, 2006

A bonus blog

Yes, this is a bonus blog. I have sixteen minutes to kill before I get released from working for the day and thought, hey, let's blog!

I was just wondering, when people ask if you had a good weekend or did anything fun over the weekend, do they really care of just making conversation? I ask this question in both fashions at times.

Sometimes I get caught finding out everything a person has done this weekend. I learn all kinds of things I could probably do without. People generally know that I live a boring existence broken up by the occasional movie or the chance to eat out.

Still, I am asked that question: "Do anything fun this weekend?"

"Well, I stepped in a pile of dog crap," I want to say, but refrain. That would keep people from asking again, I guess. Instead, I give up the usual "No, it was a boring weekend!"

They understand. They're also married for the most part and realize that fun is severely limited after saying the "I do's!" Why isn't that mentioned in the marriage manual? If it was, that would probably cut down on the number of marriages and divorces, a lot of them resulting from the lack of fun a married person has, I reckon. Or, it might be because one spouse is having too much fun.

Come to think of it, I never saw a marriage manual? What's the deal? That should be required reading. I might just write one. That might be the ticket right there to riches, although most people probably wouldn't want to read the truth or have their spouse they tricked into marrying read the truth.

I remember before my marriage how everybody would warn me that life was going to change in a big way. Aw, they were just kidding. I was so naive. So now I tell everybody who is fixing to get married that the fun is coming to an end. Of course, they are also naive and in love and do not believe me.

What a kidster, they think. Yeah, if only they knew.

I am not totally against marriage, as I am currently married. There are good points to being married. For instance...wait, I'm going to come up with something in a minute. Uh, you get to spend your life with the person that you love more than that old pair of tennis shoes that fit just right!

There are other advantages, of course, and everybody knows I'm just joking. I am happily married!

Everybody knows that! Till death do us part, by gosh! That does give me an idea. I think I'll write a marriage manual and charge people a lot of moolah to read it. The good and bad. In fact, I might just blog about it tomorrow. You guys will have to make big donations to cover the expenses so be prepared.

Another thing that struck me was should you actually tell a person how you are doing if they ask? For instance, I had a person ask me that question earlier. I told the truth. "I'm a little gassy."

For some reason, there was silence on the other end of the line. Surely they didn't want me to lie, did they? Should I have concealed the truth at the moment and gave out a generic "Oh, I'm just fine and dandy!"

Probably. There are always some people you can't tell that you're a little gassy and I'm careful about who I actually tell the truth. Probably not careful enough, however.

I could write a touching memoir of memorable gassy moments, but will hold that for another time and place. For some reason, I have doubts that people really want to read about my flatulence.

Enough. I'm out of here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A dedicated reader knowing your devoted efforts to be bought for millions or probably considerably less would well understand that you might want to try your hand at a Marriage Manual. I assume this book of awesome knowledge accumulated through some experience might be considered worthy of purchase if in fact you could find someone not deeply addicted to the necessity of marriage in order to have fun. As foreseen by you already, this audience would be few. However, I do feel strongly any book you wanted to author that contained the convoluted gaseous matter that comprises your brain stem would indeed be a best seller given the right audience, of course, of course. I, myself, had a superior weekend. I'm sure you're just glossing over the high spots of yours.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, we, the deeply devoted, are slavishly grateful for the bonus blog of the day. This was indeed above and beyond the call of editorial duty. We, the few, the deeply grateful do heartily thank you for this act of generosity.

7:48 PM  

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