Thursday, December 15, 2005


Wow, only 10 days until Christmas.

I haven't bought any presents. Am I stressed? Uh, no. Do I dread shopping? Uh, yes. I should get my certain only a gift card. That would be my choice, but I would probably pay for it for about the rest of my life.

I know, it's bad, but I hate to shop, especially for women's stuff.

Just checked out the Ledger and I made the front page for not filing for the school board. It said I had been on the board about six years. Uh, make that five or so. Everything else is correct.

The headline reads: Board Seat Still Open In Heavener. Then, the first paragraph reads: Craig Hall did not file to seek re-election to his seat on the Heavener School Board and neither did anyone else.

I'm sure everybody was really quaking at the thought of running against me. Yeah, and I'd like to sell some ocean front property in the greater Stapp-Zoe community also. I figure most people don't like getting calls all the time any more than I do.

For the most part, I have enjoyed being on the school board. I have served with some good people and everything has gone pretty smoothly, except for a couple of incidents. Some people wanted to string me up at the nearest big tree, but I managed to slip away.

I get quite a few calls, as can be expected. Some are good, others not all that great. Everybody thinks it's a big deal and we can snap our fingers and things happen, but that also isn't the truth.

We had a big brouha (I know, that probably isn't spelled right, but I really don't have time to do a search for it, although I probably could have in the time it took to write this explanation) during the last months of our previous superintendent.

But now, things are fairly smooth for the most part. We have a good superintendent and staff. Sure, there are some problems, but nothing too bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always telling it like it is - and it's spelled brouhaha, I think!

8:33 PM  
Blogger Craig Hall said...

I try to do my best.Thank you for the correction.

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're always trying for the best for everyone and they didn't like my choice for a userid, so I'm calling it quits for the night. Merry Night! Help, I'm trapped in here! :)

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, cool pic of the moon light and reflection, but too dark to see the definition or I guess the correct word would be shadings.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Craig Hall said...

Hope you escape.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Craig Hall said...

I had to make the picture a little darker to enhance the moon reflection. I actually played with the picture for about 30 minutes, then decided this was the best. It was pitch dark when I took the picture, but I could have made it lighter and probably should have.

8:48 PM  

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