
Okay, I have been a little bad about writing my personal blog lately. No, I have no real excuses, although I have been busy with a bunch of different projects.
First off, this is a picture of a dragonfly I took last week at my pond. It turned out pretty good. The detail on the wings is really good. The only thing I didn't like was the white in its eyes from the flash, but if I cloned that out, it would make the dragonflies face too dark.
We got another really good rain yesterday. So it looks like our yard will need mowed all the way up until the first frost. I don't care. It just looks a lot better than when the grass is all brown and crinkly.
I finished the one book Sunday. It was wearing me out, writing two hours then going to work. Now, I am posting a book that I wrote last year. I edit a chapter at night then again in the morning before I go to work.
Mikey, Mule and Squiggy will return in a month or two to finish their adventures in the fictional town of Langford. Until then, I hope everybody enjoys my other book. It's a sports story about a coach at a small town in Oklahoma and his son.
This book is about their first season together in football. The plan is to write more books as they compete in the other sports while going through school. I'm in the introducing everybody part right now so it hasn't really got going yet. Once they get into the season, it cranks up a notch.
I've been working on another project, an online news/information site for Heavener called Heavener Online. What I would like to do with this is have people submit stories, etc., and I would post it.
It even has a forum for people to argue on! What better way to get people involved, eh?
We had a board meeting until almost five yesterday. Came home and shot some Germans in Medal of Honor: European Assault, an Xbox game that I bought Saturday. This is the same guy that I alluded to in The Old Man's Request when Mikey goes to do a story on the woman and her husband and daughters are shooting people with the games.
I'm getting pretty good at blasting the soldiers, but the tanks are a different story. My son hops right in and blows them up like there's nothing to it.
I forgot to mention the other day that our hamster numbers have grown considerably. As you may recall, a few weeks ago, we got a hamster for the youngest son to replace the one that died that replaced the first one that went to Hamster Heaven. Then, that hamster along with the oldest son's hamster, the one that had previously scared me by running between my legs while I was on the toilet, both escaped.
We found the one hamster, but the other one is still AWOL. No stink yet, so there is hope. Anyway, the one hamster is now the proud mother of seven little hamsters.
Naturally, the youngest son wants to keep all of them. I told him that probably wouldn't be a good idea with all the inbreeding that is likely to produce. He found out that the pet store will buy some back so now he wants to keep a few females and a different male and go into the hamster kennel business.
I must leave now.
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