Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Ahoy matey!

It's Wednesday and the week is almost half over. Hurrah, or however the crap they say that.

They're finishing up the concrete for my driveway this morning. We can't actually drive on it until Saturday. It has kept the wife buttoned up at home since for some reason she isn't fond of driving her Mustang through the pasture.

The only bad deal is once I get home from work, she's ready to hit the road whereas I'd just as soon stay at home.

My blood sugar is starting to come down a little, finally. This morning, it was 138 which is still a little high, but much better than the 180 to 200 it has been most mornings. Last week, it was well over 300 several times. I felt like a deflated ballon, still do in the evenings. But it is getting better.

I could tell that it was much better this morning. I had more energy and was even a little more creative, as you can tell if you bother to read the chapter I posted this morning on The Old Man's Request.

It's strange how one day your mind is clicking and the next day, there's like a lock on your creative process. I would classify it as the proverbial brain fart, but that is used for when a person does something stupid.

We had a birthday party for my little nephew yesterday afternoon. James is now 4 years old. The years have flown by. The little fellow was born shortly after I took my new job.

His parents have done the split deal, but he seems pretty well adjusted, just as long as he has some Hot Wheels to play with. "Wanna play cars, Unca Craig?" he always asks me.

"Go away, you little snot!" I answer, sending him off crying to my wife.

Ha Ha, I was kidding. I would never say that to a child. Instead, I either play with him for a few minutes until he gets distracted or I go with the old "I'm too busy" line that little farts hear way too much.

The weather outside is @#^%(*#(@*&ing hot, once again. We're supposed to get a little break later this week, but I'll believe it when I see it, by gosh!

Enough for today, I say! Until tomorrow, good day! as Paul Harvey is prone to say. I need a closing line similar to that. It must be short and classy. If you have any suggestions, please leave them as a comment.


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