
I took this photo yesterday afternoon while walking around our pond. It is some kind of butterly trying to get the gunk out of a flower with its sucker. Yeah, I know, that's not the proper wording, but that's the best I can do early on a Saturday morning.
Personally, I thought it was an awesome picture. I posted it on WebAperture last night and only got five comments. Most of the people there are not real high on macro or bug shots.
This time of the year, that is about all there is to take pictures of around here. We don't have oceans and it is so dry, all the lakes and ponds are down real low. So it's either that or flowers, two groups I have been taking a lot of pictures of.
I have a lot of pictures that need to be added to my Smugmug account, but I haven't really had the time. I've been working on my book and also getting these other web sites to look the way I want.
This is Saturday. Saturdays are good for me. It is my goof off day. Sometimes my wife does not agree with that and it creates a little dissension. She feels like we should be doing something all the time. I'll usually wind up heading outside to mess around with the yard, but draw the line at working inside.
Everybody is still asleep and it's almost 9 a.m. Nice. I actually slept in until almost 8 this morning. I did wake up at my usual 5 a.m. and tossed and turned for a while before deciding it would be okay to go back to sleep. Now, I'm a little groggy but the funk is leaving.
The boys are off at a grandmother's house for last night and most of the day. Nice. We did pick up my daughter last night but she's pretty quiet for the most part.
After we picked her up last night, the three of us went to eat at The Olive Garden in Fort Smith. Nice. I had my traditional spaghetti with meat sauce. The wife and daughter had some women food that I can't spell and I'm too lazy to look up.
Then, they dropped me off at Books-A-Million while they went to some clothing store. Another nice. I was able to read and look at things for over an hour without interruption.
Came home after that, fed the dogs and checked on the computer to see what was going on in the world. I guess I'm like a lot of people, my use of the computer is cutting down on television time.
We had a good rain shower yesterday. Since it was coming down so hard, we started driving on our new driveway a day earlier to keep from putting ruts in the yard. It will be nice not having to suck in dirt every time somebody drives up our driveway.
I'm not sure if Buddy has successfully bred Daisy, but again, it won't be for a lack of trying. If I had been that persistent, I might have actually gotten lucky more in my college and single days.
That about sums things up for today. Have a good one.
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