Thursday, December 01, 2005


It is now officially December. Only 24 days until Christmas. I told my wife we should just give the kids a check for Christmas this year, say like $100.

That was met with a resounding silence, then she exercised veto powers that I didn't know she had been granted.

She gets a kick out of the gift opening. I'd just as soon everybody could open a card with a check in it, then go do something else. Maybe one gift and a check.

But nooooooooooooo!

It used to be kind of fun to watch the kids when they got a present they didn't like, for instance, clothes. But now, they actually want clothes. That stinks. At least they used to get some cool stuff like games. Now it's clothes, stuff for a truck, IPOD and other boring stuff.

They would like to get their hands on a new xbox 360 but that would be pushing it.

Heard an ad on the radio this morning talking about unheard of discounts on vehicles. That got me thinking. How could the ads have unheard of discounts? If that was the case, nobody would know about them. I'm of the opinion that is impossible.

Also saw an ad for somebody selling some crap. If a person bought whatever the dookie was the seller was selling, they would also get a bunch of other crap worth a bunch of dollars.

Now, I didn't do all that well in marketing classes back at the junior college, but I don't buy this. I never see anybody selling the same crap for the same price the seller says it is worth, but is willing to toss in if somebody is dumb enough to buy the junk they're trying to influence you to buy.

I have figured out that age is catching up on me again. My Sirius satellite radio has been set to classical music and I did it! Aargh. Did find it rather soothing and not the least bit distracting, like so many songs and talking heads are.

This worries me. If I ever get to the point where I wear old man shorts with dark socks and dress shoes, you have my permission to shoot me right between the eyes.

Saw that Dancing With The Stars is coming back! Speaking of somebody needing to get shot. I've actually heard people discuss this without being embarrassed. I watched about ten minutes of it one night, just so I could have something to make fun of the next day.

People were actually disappointed when the judges canned them. If I had to be on this show, first off, they'd have to pay me. Second, if I got kicked off (which would probably be in the first five minutes), I'd be so happy I'd kiss the judges posterior region.

It's gotten to the point where I seldom watch television. I do watch sports and cool stuff like the History Channel and TLC. I have never watched Survivor and don't plan on ever seeing it. Same with all the other silly reality shows.

Crap, ESPN even had one for announcers. Every time I turned on ESPN, I got blasted with advertisements for this silly crap.

That almost bugged me as much as it does when I go to a movie and have to watch advertisements (other than upcoming movies, I like them). We're paying money to watch a movie, not see silly Coke ads. The ones where they sing to other presumed Coke drinkers is the one that really burns my butt.

Okay, enough for today.


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