Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Our internet was knocked out from around noon yesterday until late in the evening. Apparently a phone line was cut somewhere between Stigler and Keota.

People, that just isn't right! In this age where communications are so vital, it takes 10 hours to repair a line? Demand justice and answers. Call Bush, the governor, or whoever. This is the second time over the last few months this has happened.

Until some disaster like this happens, people don't realize how vital something is. We use the internet at work for several things, other than games. We pull credit, do email, check the values on autos and do lien searches on collateral.

Because of suffering and damages, I would settle for one of those money cards the government gives out in times of disaster. Maybe a thousand bucks would settle me down. Along with one of those thousands of RV's the government bought that is now parked in Arkansas.

The temperature outside is 33 degrees. It feels much warmer, but there is snow falling. A light snow, but still a little white stuff here and there. We continue to be in a serious drought and could use whatever precipitation we can get.

Glanced at the Fort Smith paper this morning before writing this. Saw the Southside High School is trying to build an indoor practice facility for $600,000. This comes, of course, after Northside High School announced plans to do the same thing earlier this year.

Now, I am all for athletics. But with the problems all schools are facing these days, it might be better to improve facilities and increase the pay of teachers, not build some practice facility for football just because others have one.

We used to have an indoor practice facility for football when the weather was really bad. It was the gym. Last time I checked, both schools in Fort Smith have gyms.

As many of you know, my reign on the school board is coming to an end. I told the administrators a couple of weeks ago that I had decided to let somebody else get complaining phone calls for a while. Then, it was in the Ledger last week so it is official.

Since I am now a lame duck school board president, I feel like it is necessary to try and build some legacy to tell people in the future that this was done while I chaired the school board. We have the new storm shelter, but that isn't enough!

How about a new domed facility for football and basketball. We could also have graduations, concerts and other big deals so it wouldn't just be for football. It would probably cost in excess of $5 million, but I know everybody would be willing to have their property taxes thousands of dollars each year so they can attend sporting events and be comfortable.

I even have a name for it: The Halladome. Cool, eh? See, there are Holidomes at Holiday Inn's, but this would be rather unique. We could build it big enough to hold the county tournament in and people wouldn't be crammed together like they were sardines and sweat several pounds off.

Just an idea. I am forming a study group to evaluate the costs. If you want to contribute a lot of money, just let me know.

Also noticed that an official from Mexico (the foreign secretary) said it is "stupid" and "underhanded" for the United States to build a fence between our two countries. I can understand his anger. If the criminals could escape our country by simply crossing a river to escape justice and never return again, I would be upset if somebody shut this off.

Not many of our people want to slip off in Mexico though. We have a lot of good and honest Hispanics that cross over, but not all of them are exactly the cream of the crop.

Last night, the wife, youngest son, a friend and I went to watch King Kong. Excellent movie. Special effects are awesome. This was done by Peter Jackson, the same guy that did the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

A little long at just over three hours and boring for a while until Kong makes his grand appearance, but still an excellent movie. The only thing that really bothered me, other than keeping me up past my bedtime, was worrying if this was actually King of Queen Kong.

The title says King Kong, but he appeared to be lacking any certain male body parts. That might be because if it is appropriate to the rest of his body, it might be rather noticeable and the director didn't want to distract the viewers.

Then again, that might be why there isn't any Queen Kong or Little Kongs running around. Still, an excellent movie. Kind of makes you hate the people for what they do to the King at the end when all he wants to do is spend time with his honey.

He only bit the head off one person and the guy was trying to shoot him. Plus, he would be excellent defense in case any T-Rex's tried to damage our country. I guess he would be a good deterrant to stopping illegal aliens from crossing the Rio Grande.

Enough for now. I must go.


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